After searching through bug reports and forums finally I prepared a change of the underlying Python code which resolves the issue.
I hope they will integrate similar changes in the next version.
For more details you can have a look at these bug reports, where I got ideas and copied parts:
Install instructions
You can download the needed difference file from here, or just copy and paste the following into a file named,91 < changelog = source --- > changes = source.split("\n") > for change in changes: > change = change.strip() > if change.startswith("*"): > changelog = changelog + change + "\n" 93c97,101 < changelog = source --- > changes = source.split("\n") > for change in changes: > change = change.strip() > if change.startswith("*"): > changelog = changelog + change + "\n" 98,102c106,111 < source = commands.getstatusoutput("apt-get changelog " + self.source_package) < if source[0] != 0 or source[1].startswith("Err Changelog of"): < changelog = _("No changelog available") + "\n" + _("Click on Edit->Software Sources and tick the 'Source code' option to enable access to the changelogs") < else: < changelog = source[1] --- > source = commands.getoutput("aptitude changelog " + self.source_package) > changes = source.split("urgency=")[1].split("\n") > for change in changes: > change = change.strip() > if change.startswith("*"): > changelog = changelog + change + "\n"Then you can apply the patch with this command, it will leave a copy of the original script:
sudo patch -lb /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/ has been created and checked with version 4.3.8.
Worked fine in Mint 13 x64, thanx!