Automatic paging on Firefox

AutoPager Homepage
Once upon a time, there existed a great extension for Firefox called repagination.
It gave you the possibility to right click on the Next link of a forum and load the next linked pages at the end of the current page. This was so useful, because you could read almost all post. Or load a bunch of Google results right into the current page. Cute.
But when Firefox upgraded to version 2.1+ this extension stopped working.
Since then, I had it always installed waiting that some day it got updated for the latest Firefox.

Since yesterday.

Finally, I found a decent replacement, eh, what I'm saying, ..., a so much better replacement: AutoPager.
And this extension really rocks!
It automatically loads the next page of a site inline when you reach the end of the current page for infinite scrolling of content. You don't even have to click anywhere. AutoPager works with a ton of sites, including Lifehacker, of course, Google .......
Just try it on this blog, endless scrolling through all my posts automatically.
And it offers a Wizard for creating next-link detections for new sites.

Example for EurobillTracker Rankings:

URL Pattern:*
Link XPath: //a[contains(text(),'Next >>')]
Content XPath: //body/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td/table[1]

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