Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy heron)

Should I upgrade to Ubuntu's latest release or should I wait?

At the moment, based on my own experience, there are more negative impressions than positive ones.


  • Most of my recommended Firefox add-ons don't work anylonger with the latest beta version of Firefox that gets installed automatically.
  • OpenOffice 2.4 lacks the paste special dialog when I try to paste some text copied from web pages into a spreadsheet. Why was that removed?
  • VirtualBox doesn't work anylonger. It has to be reinstalled, but I still have some trouble with its module.
  • It takes an eternity to start from my external USB drive (it slows down completely, and needs about half a minute to spin-up again). With 7.10 (feisty) it only took a few seconds.
  • My Windows partition doesn't show up in nautilus any longer as "Windows", but only as "xx.x GB Media", no matter what I try to get this configured.
  • Compiz wooble windows work worse on Dual screens (almost imposible to drag maximized windows from one screen to the other).


  • Some icons are much nicer.
  • Slightly speep-up of the whole system, especially Firefox (maybe of some few add-ons only?)
  • Handling of wireless nets is better, as well as the new keyring.


  1. yep. i've managed to get working the gmail manager addon on firefox 3, but there are a lot of addons that simply doesn't work. Also, VirtualBox doesn't works.

    On the positive impressions, the new rights manager for the authentication System works great for those applications that you need to work with all users

    by the way, i have a problem with nm-applet in order to get my wifi network working at boot; i have a WPA-SK network configured, but for some strange reason, the applet doesn't connect it at logon, and i have to retype the password manually...on the positive side, i'll never forget the password :-)

    On the crap impressions: :-)
    are there any way to solve the f*cking delay of CAPS LOCK key? if you type at a reasonable speed and press the caps lock key too quickly, you have this effect:

    I HAve A LOt OF PRoblems WIth UPpercase ANd LOwercase :-)))))

    ANy ideas? (F*CK!)

  2. GMail Manager AddOn:
    I prefer to use Webmail Notifier, 'cause it connects also to other accounts like Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, etc. But it doesn't work yet.

    I got VirtualBox up and running again. I purged it completely from the system (sudo apt-get purge virtualbox virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-modules) and reinstalled the ose version. Unfortunately, the new version from the Sun site doesn't work (problems with the module driver).

    When the system starts up, the nm-applet tries to access the default keyring to obtain the WiFi passwords. So you get asked for the password of the keyring.
    I'm still trying to get rid of this, but without success. There's an option to automatically unlock the keyring, but it doesn't work like I suspect it to act. I also tried to delete the default keyring, but that doesn't help neither.

    I never had problems with the Caps-lock key, and I'm not able to reproduce this behaviour.
    But in one of my systems, each time I start up the session I lose the keyboard setting and have a English keyboard layout. No matter, that I only have selected the Spanish layout, it is simply ignored. I have to open the keyboard settings, make some changes and apply the settings.
    Really, awful.

  3. Webmail Notifier:
    Today, an update was released which works with Firefox 3.
    Great, I hope the rest of my beloved addons will follow this step soon.

  4. Wrong keyboard layout:
    I finally fixed the wrong keyboard layout issue.
    Seems that during the installation of Ubuntu Hardy, the /etc/X11/xorg.conf configuration file was changed and the following entry was missing:
    Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "XkbLayout" "es"

  5. Virtualbox:
    I think Sun released a newer version these days, because I got 1.6.2 up and running.
    Only drawback, the USB detection fails somehow.
