How to enable mp3 support?
Because of license rights, ffmpeg doesn't include encoding support of mp3 by default.
So we have to recompile it or get a non-free version of ffmpeg.
Install from non-free repository
You can find an already compiled version of ffmpeg in the MediBuntu repository.
It contains a ffmpeg compiled with risky option.
Recompile by yourself
In Ubuntu this can be done quite simply.
Just follow these steps in a shell.
- Install necessary development packs:
sudo apt-get install quilt libsdl1.2-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev liba52-dev
libdts-dev libimlib2-dev texi2html libraw1394-dev libdc1394-13-dev
libtheora-dev libgsm1-dev
liblame-dev libxvidcore-dev libfaac-dev libfaad2-dev libx264-dev - Download ffmpeg sources:
cd /usr/local/src
sudo apt-get source ffmpeg
cd ffmpeg - The most important step: enable support for mp3, x264, etc:
export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=risky
- Build installable debian packages
sudo dpkg-buildpackage
cd .. - Finally, install all generated debian packages:
sudo dpkg -i ffmpeg_0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4+medibuntu2_x86.deb libavcodec0d_0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4+medibuntu2_x86.deb libavcodec-dev_0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4+medibuntu2_x86.deb ...
Essentially, you have to list all generated debian packages here.
Maybe you could do something like this:sudo dpkg -i `ls *.deb`
Test the non-free version
That's it. Now we can test the installation:
ffmpeg -i some_of_your_movies.avi -ar 44100 test.flv
This should convert one of your AVI movies into a Flash Video.
ffmpeg shouldn't claim any longer about unknown codec for output stream 0.1 (the audio one).
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